Friday, February 3, 2012



(INDIANAPOLIS, IN) – Charlie Shook was Monday night installed as the 2012 president of the Indiana Association of REALTORS® at the association’s annual Inaugural Banquet in Indianapolis.

Shook is president and an owner of Coldwell Banker Shook, a family-owned residential and commercial real estate brokerage that was founded in 1915 by his great grandfather and grandfather. Charlie oversees the residential operation in greater Lafayette.

REALTORS® have been the beneficiary of Shook’s leadership for some time now. He has been a member of the IAR Board of Directors since 2002 and was a Board of Directors member for the Lafayette Regional Association of REALTORS® from 1994 to 1997, serving as president of that association in 1997.

In 2006, Governor Mitch Daniels appointed Shook to the Indiana Real Estate Commission, a position he still holds today. Shook was chairperson of that group in 2010.

“We are an interesting group. As Realtors we might compete head-to-head with one another on one day for a listing, then work together with the same colleague later in the week on another transaction to find a way to put a deal together. The local, state and national associations of Realtors create the template that allows us to work together for the common good of our customers. I’m proud to be a Realtor and even prouder to be a part of such a fine association of professionals,” said Shook. “Charlie has a long history of working in and around the real estate industry,” said Karl Berron, IAR Chief Executive Officer. “That coupled with his experience on the Indiana Real Estate Commission means Charlie knows the issues facing the industry better than most. His counsel and leadership will be extremely valuable in the coming year.”

Shook was also the focus of IAR’s last big gathering in the fall when he was named the 2011 REALTOR® of the Year for Indiana.

This annual award recognizes an IAR member for their high level of professionalism, community service and dedication to the REALTOR® organization. It is granted by a committee of real estate professionals from across the state that considers nominations by the 34 local REALTOR® associations in Indiana.

Chair of the IAR recognition committee, Chip Miller of Terre Haute, said there was one statement in the written nomination of Shook that particularly resonated with him and the other members of the committee.

“When we read that Charlie never hesitates to take the time to assist a colleague with real estate questions or concerns, we all smiled and nodded our heads, each admitting we’ve called on Charlie at least once, if not many times, over the years,” said Miller. “Charlie is a gracious man who everyday leads simply and quietly by his actions.”
Shook began his career by working 10 years in Comerica Bank’s commercial loan administrative department.

Shook graduated from DePauw University with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Economics, then earned an MBA in Real Estate and Finance from Indiana University

Community service is important to Shook, and he volunteers much time to organizations such as the Salvation Army, the Lafayette Symphony Orchestra and Leadership Lafayette. His grandfather is quoted as saying, “Be good to your community and your community will be good to you.”

“First, it is an honor to be included among such an impressive group from across the state,” said Shook in September. “And second, I am humbled to have my name added to the list of Indiana REALTORS® of the year dating back to 1955.”


We'd like to give a big CONGRATULATIONS to our very own Charlie Shook. We are very lucky to get to work with and know him. Good job Charlie!